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Updated: Oct 2, 2022

Speaker: Pastor Tristan Sherwin

'We’re starting a series called, Encounters, this morning. We’re going to spend some time in the Gospels, focussing on a handful of the stories where people interact with Jesus, and Jesus interacts with them.

As we look at these passages, I want us to understand that we are seeing God on display, theology embodied. These encounters make declarations about God.

In the words of the late Frederick Buechner, ‘Jesus is the Word made flesh, the truth narrated in bone and bowel, space and time.’[i]

The intent is not that we dryly study God, or jump to life application. Instead, to borrow something Victor Hugo wrote in Lés Misérables, I want us to be dazzled by God.[ii]...'

Tristan shares his sermon notes on his own blog. You can read the rest of this sermon here: ENCOUNTERS / I WANT TO

[i] Frederick Buechner, Secrets in the the Dark (HarperOne, 2006), p. 135 [ii] In his opening chapters of Lés Misérables, Victor Hugo describes his character, Bishop Charles-François Bienvenu, as someone ‘[who] did not study God; he was dazzled by him.'


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